GalleryRemote is a Python package for communicating with Gallery installations using the Gallery Remote Protocol.

Click here to download GalleryRemote v. 0.7

You can find the Debian/Ubuntu package in the official archives (package python-galleryremote).

More information

The galleryremote.Gallery class implements the Gallery Remote protocol as documented at

The Gallery project is an open source web based photo album organizer written in php. Gallery's web site is:

This class is a 3rd party product which is not maintained by the creators of the Gallery project.

Example usage:

from galleryremote import Gallery
my_gallery = Gallery('', 2)
albums = my_gallery.fetch_albums()


Galleryremote was originally written by John Sutherland, then adopted by Brent Woodruff and is now maintained by Pietro Battiston.

The code can be browsed at and checked out via

git clone git://