**Software I wrote/software che ho scritto:** //English pages:// **Usable software:** * [[https://github.com/toobaz/mpl_sankey|mpl_sankey]] - Draw sankey plots with matplotlib * [[https://github.com/mwburke/stargazer|Python stargazer]] - Regression tables in Python (not created by me, I'm the current maintainer) * [[gvb|Good ViBrations]] ([[http://packages.debian.org/gvb|Debian]], [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/gvb|Ubuntu]]) - Simulate waves and vibrations * [[nautilus-scripts-manager]] ([[http://packages.debian.org/nautilus-scripts-manager|Debian]], [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/nautilus-scripts-manager|Ubuntu]]) - manage your Nautilus scripts * [[jsaone]] - incremental json parser for Python * [[gedit-crypto]] - gedit plugin for encrypting/decrypting text files * [[reachme|reachme]] - a program for accessing remote desktops behind NATs * [[release_maker]] - automatize the release of software projects * [[ddupes]] - find out duplicated directories * [[exif-to-date]] - update the modification date of pictures to the exif-stored one * [[nostrils]] - compare the results of nosetests on different commits/branches of a given git repo **Old/experimental/unmaintained:** * [[https://gitlab.com/pbat/quack|quack]] - a program for managing scientific papers (usable but incomplete) * [[https://github.com/toobaz/grimm|grimm]] - a program for manipulating statistic and econometric data (very incomplete) * [[gueic]] - a powerful alarm clock (buggy) * [[gallery_uploader|gallery-uploader]] ([[http://packages.debian.org/gallery-uploader|Debian]], [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/gallery-uploader|Ubuntu]]) - Upload pictures to Gallery instances **Small and possibly useless utilities:** * [[momail]] - backup your sms using the Python shell on the mobile * [[zone.py]] - identify colour zones in a picture * [[minpkg]] - get a list of packages you installed on your Debian system * [[edited conffiles]] - find edited configuration files in a Debian system //Pagine in italiano:// * [[riport|Riport]] - Chiuso * [[http://poisson.phc.dm.unipi.it/~battiston/sitomio/progri/progr1.php|trovastringhediradicedienneelementi]] * [[formica]] * [[http://poisson.phc.dm.unipi.it/~battiston/sitomio/progri/progr2.php|permutadismuta]] **Collaborations/collaborazioni:** * [[galleryremote]] - Library to access remote Gallery instances.