How to use the Internet connection of the computer from an Android device connected through USB. You need root access, and the Terminal Emulator installed. Heavily inspired by - on the Android device, activate "USB tethering" (should be under "Wireless and network settings" on recent versions) - on the computer, start Firestarter: in the configuration dialog, give the network card currently providing Internet connection (such as "eth0", or "wlan0") and, in the following page, the network card represented by the USB cable - should be called "usb0" - on the Android device, start the Terminal Emulator: run "su", and then ip route add default via NOTE: between step 2) and 3), you can: * on the Android device, (install, if you didn't, and) start the wonderful [[|WiFi Keyboard]], which makes sending any command much faster, since you can use your computer's keyboard.