One day, I decided to start tracking with git the edits I had made to files in ///etc//. The problem is: I didn't know which one they were. So I wrote this script to find them. You need **python-apt** to run it. {{|Click here to download it}} #! /usr/bin/python # Check files in /etc for # 1) files changed from the default ones # 2) files which are contained in packages but are not conffiles # 3) files which are not contained in any packages (though they are possibly # _created_ by some package at configuration time) import apt import subprocess import hashlib import os import glob __version__ = '0.1' c = apt.Cache() def main(): pkg_etc_files = [] for package in c: etc_files = filter( startswith( '/etc/' ), package.installed_files) if etc_files: cmd = "dpkg --status %s" % # print cmd.split() dpkg = subprocess.Popen( cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) pkg_info = dpkg.stdout.readlines() conf_info = filter( startswith( ' /etc' ), pkg_info ) # print pkg_info, conf_info for conffile in etc_files: if not os.path.isfile( conffile ): # Probably a directory: continue f_hand = open( conffile ) f_cont = f_hand.close() true_md5 = hashlib.md5( f_cont ).hexdigest() appropr_line = filter( startswith( ' %s ' % conffile ), conf_info ) try: assert len( appropr_line ) == 1 appropr_line = appropr_line[0] theorical_md5 = appropr_line.split()[1] if true_md5 != theorical_md5: print "\t\t\t\033[1m%s changed\033[0m" % conffile except: print "%s is installed in /etc but is apparently not a conffile" % conffile pkg_etc_files.extend( etc_files ) print """\n\n\t\033[1mMoreover, the following files in /etc aren't contained in any installed package \t(either they are created on-the-fly, or they are part of an uninstalled package):\033[0m\n""" etc_files = set( all_files( '/etc' ) ) etc_files.difference_update( pkg_etc_files ) print ", ".join( etc_files ) def startswith( what ): return (lambda s : s.startswith( what )) def all_files( root ): files_list = [] walker = os.walk( root ) while True: try: basedir, subdirs, files = new = [os.path.join( basedir, a_file ) for a_file in files] files_list.extend( new ) except StopIteration: break return files_list if __name__ == "__main__": main()