How to package a git upstream snapshot with git-buildpackage


Let us assume we want package the last upstream git snapshot of gedit-latex using git-buildpackage.

The upstream repo is at


and you want to package current state of branch “master”. The packaging repo is at


and the packaging work is done in branch “master”.

If there is no packaging repo, just create one!


git clone git://
cd gedit-latex
git remote add uprepo git://
git fetch uprepo
git branch upsnap --track uprepo/master
git branch debsnap 
git checkout debsnap
git-dch --debian-branch=debsnap --snapshot

(or “–release” if your intention is to publish this package)… and then edit it, mentioning the upstream snapshot you are packacing:

git show upsnap | head -n 1
gedit debian/changelog
git commit debian/changelog -m "Packaging `git show upsnap | head -n 1`"
git-buildpackage --git-upstream-branch=upsnap --git-debian-branch=debsnap