{{ :nostrils:nostrils-0.2.tar.gz |Download nostrils version 0.2 }} **nostrils** is a Python script written to easily compare the results of test suites across different git refs (commits/branches/tags). It will run the tests suite on the required commits, build any extension if needed (that is, run the ''build_ext'' target of the ''setup.py'') and print out a diff of the test results. This comes handy when the repo you are working on already has failing tests, possibly many of them, and you want to quickly isolate any regression caused by your modifications. **nostils** runs tests for the two commits in parallel. Moreover, it caches test results, so if it is called again on some given ref (typically ''master''!), it will fetch them instead than rerunning the test suite (this behaviour can be overridden with the ''--force'' argument). ====== Usage ====== This is the typical usage: nostrils mybranch It will compare the results of tests on ''mybranch'' with the results on ''master''. You can specify a different benchmark commit as follows (this will compare with the previous commit in ''mybranch''): nostrils mybranch~1 mybranch In order to specify which test command to run, you should create a file ''~/.config/nostrils/test_commands.py'' containing only a Python dictionary which assigns a command to each repo, such as: { '/home/myuser/repo/pandas' : './test_fast.sh' } If at any time you want to run a different command without messing with the config file, you can o so by setting the environmental variable ''TESTCMD'', as in: TESTCMD=nosetests nostrils mybranch